MAY 15-16, 2012
New York, NY
New York Hilton Midtown
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST in the Enterprise Search Showcase
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Opening session: Trends in Enterprise Search: A Question and Answer with search expert Sue Feldman
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis

New technologies, corporate mergers and acquisitions, changes in user expectations, and internal resource allocations can all affect enterprise search implementations and maintenance. What are the trends affecting search? What are the disruptive forces at work? What does the past tell us about future trends?

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Report on Enterprise Search Adoption survey
Kristian Norling, Founder & CEO, Norling & Company

A survey coordinated by Enterprise Search Europe Chair, Martin White, and Findwise aims to fill the knowledge gap about the implementation of enterprise search applications. The U.S. results and a summary of the global results will be presented by Kristian Norling, Senior Findability Consultant, Findwise. It should be an interesting introduction to themes that will be expanded upon in the ensueing conference presentations.

10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
The Present & Future State of Search: A Conversation With Sue Feldman, Lynda Moulton, Tom Reamy, and Attendees
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis
Lynda Moulton, Principal, LWM Technology Services
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group

This expert panel reflects on the state of search, both as expressed in the opening session and as revealed by the enterprise search survey. Contributions from attendees are guaranteed to animate this conversation.

10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
COFFEE BREAK in the Enterprise Search Showcase
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
A101(a): A New Approach to Content Processing for Successful Search
Kamran Khan, Managing Director, Accenture

Content processing is an important part of the overall search implementation process. Search Technologies will discuss how a growing number of companies, especially those with deep experience with enterprise search, are increasingly viewing content processing as a search engine-independent task.

A101(b): How to Make Search Successful--Challenges, Business Needs and User Expectations
Valentin Richter, CEO, Raytion GmbH
Christian Vogt, Director Services, Raytion GmbH

What does it take to meet business requirements and keep the search users  happy while weathering the specific challenges the implementation of a search solution poses? Although implementing enterprise search successfully can be hard at times, with the right ingredients not only can it be done, it might be even fun.


B101: Minimizing Problems of Big Data
Bryan Bell, Regional Vice President of Sales, Lucidworks
Rory Welch, CEO, WaLa!, Inc.

Big data, the latest buzz word to describe the explosion of data and information available to searchers, has the potential to fuel unprecedented levels of business intelligence and growth if it can be turned into knowledge and actionable intelligence. Two approaches to the big data phenomenon, both using semantic technologies, are explored in this session. Semantic technology can improve data identification, enable effective filtering, find connections and patterns in data, extract meaning, and target the right data quickly.

12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
A102: Strategies in the Medical Field
Namita Mittal, Search Manager, Merck and Co.
Ute Rother, CEO, Q-Sensei Corp.
Lars Boerger, Former Director, Medtronic Spine & Biologic International BI Unit
Jeffrey Feist, Enterprise Search Platform, Merck & Co., Inc.

The information needed by pharmaceutical and medical device companies is mission-critical. Merck, a leader in prescription drug and vaccine manufacture, as well as animal health and over-the-counter medications, shares its strategies, challenges, and wins regarding enterprise search. For Medtronic, a single portal to search and leverage internal information with external purchased data and web feeds contributed to improved decision making.

B102(a): Search Based Applications (SBA) and Knowledge Management -- Discover and Reuse Data for Better Decision Making
Jamie Goodale, Senior Director, Solution Strategy and Business Development, NovaQuest

Search based applications (SBAs) are able to improve the speed, amount and sources of information that can be accessed.  Some SBAs go beyond search by enabling knowledge management capabilities that empower end users to access, find and act on pertinent information for more effective business decisions.

B102(b): Increase Knowledge Worker Productivity Within Your Organization
Dan Stroman, Vice President Sales, Discover Technologies

Increase knowledge worker productivity by reducing time spent searching for relevant information. Conduct topic-related searches and view search results while in any SharePoint document, without having to leave the document you are currently viewing. Users can now view content from a variety of file formats without needing to load the client application.

1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
ATTENDEE LUNCH and a Chance to Visit the Enterprise Search Showcase
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
A103: Key Strategies for E-Discovery Search
Linda Beaudoin, Director of eDiscovery Analytics, Daegis
Linda G. Sharp, Associate General Counsel, ZL Technologies

A hot topic in the corporate legal environment is e-discovery. Companies are increasingly being asked to produce information for legal reasons, but traditional search models can create significant barriers to generating results that satisfy the increasingly stringent requirements of litigators and the courts. One paradigm shift, from reactive to proactive e-discovery, is focused on information unification. In this session, these experts outline what is necessary for efficient and effective ediscovery search. No one wants to believe their organization will be the object of a legal action, but it’s good to be prepared for that eventuality.

B103: The State of Semantics
Seth Grimes, Principal Consultant, Alta Plana Corporation

An array of providers claim to offer semantic search. If only they agreed about the meaning of “semantics.” Indeed, techniques that include concept search, natural-language search, and related searches—with clustered, faceted, and aggregated results on full-text, XML, database, and semantic web sources—all qualify as forms of semantic search. But no single search engine or toolkit harnesses every semantic-search technique, nor should universality be a goal. Capabilities are useful only to the extent they match business and technical problems, the nature of source materials, and user needs. Applied correctly, however, they make search more direct, accurate, and usable, helping searchers move from information retrieval to higher-value information access. Seth Grimes provides an independent definition of semantic computing and presents a systematic overview of a dozen approaches to meaning-based, semantic search for web and enterprise. He discusses a road map for broader adoption of semantic search in years to come.

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
A104(a): Can You Really Crawl an Application?
Bruce Olsen, Product Marketing, Kapow Software

Leading-edge organizations rely on application crawling to increase coverage and improve findability. We’ll see how a leading computer manufacturer cut costs and improved customer satisfaction by capturing data from partners, customers and their internal applications to present a single consolidated set of results to their CSRs.

A104(b): Optimizing Search with Associative Relationships
Jeannine A Bartlett, VP & Chief Solutions Architect, Earley Information Science

Organizations must enrich enterprise search to improve the productivity of knowledge workers.  A key challenge is to integrate both structured data and unstructured content into flexible, precise and highly relevant result sets. Learn how to leverage taxonomies, and more specifically, associative relationships among concepts, to maximize discovery value.

B104: Applying Semantics Today and in the Future
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group

We have known for years that the best way to improve search is to add semantics in the form of faceted metadata, taxonomies, and, most recently, ontologies. However, starting a project to add semantics to search can seem daunting to an IT department that knows software but not semantics or business groups that know the subject matter but not search or taxonomies. This session, based on years of experience with search coupled with some new methodologies, presents an approach that starts with an easy-to-understand process that will make the whole project more likely to get buy-in. This is followed by a series of small, contained steps, including a preliminary information audit, an automated information analysis, and an initial pilot development that creates a foundation for both immediate ROI and future development such as training the necessary resources to extend and refine the search project.

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: Information Governance
Tamir Sigal, Director, Product Marketing and Strategy, RSD
James Dawson, Director, Forensic Technology, KPMG

Information governance helps to enable desirable behavior for the creation, searching, archiving, and deletion of corporate information.  It incorporates privacy controls, prepares content for the demands of e-discovery, helps storage optimization, and can innovate metadata management.  By considering the entire lifecycle of records across multiple repositories and jurisdictions, enterprise search becomes more effective and relevant. Yet long-term preservation of digital information presents challenges, especially in healthcare, insurance, government, banking, and energy/utilities. Storage media degrades; hardware, operating systems and application software become obsolete; decryption algorithms and passwords lose their effectiveness; and the migration of ESI (electronically stored information) can cause the loss of its metadata and encumbers future recovery. Learn how information governance can amplify the accuracy and relevancy of your search environment.


B105: Mobile Search: The New Horseless Carriage
Tyler Tate, Lead Designer, TwigKit
Colin Jeavons, Founder and CEO, Vertical Search Works

The widespread adoption of internet-connected mobile devices has been widely heralded. Yet savvy smartphone-slinging, tablet-toting consumers are also employees who, not surprisingly, expect to use their devices for work as well as leisure. Enabling staff to search business applications at any time and from anywhere is fundamental to every successful enterprise mobility strategy. In these talks, Tyler Tate outlines how to design search-based applications for mobile users. Colin Jeavons sees the unveiling of Apple’s Siri utility as a “horseless carriage” moment that opens the door to explore new ways to build stronger relationships with consumers and to create new paid search ad models.

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
WELCOME RECEPTION in the Enterprise Search Showcase