Enterprise Search & Discovery 2017 Speakers

  • V. Mary Abraham — Co-Founder, Above and Beyond KM
  • Amelia Andersson — Findability Consultant, Findwise
  • Lisa Austin — Product Owner, Knowledge Management, Information Services, End User Services, Toyota Motors North America, The KM Coach
  • Peter Barcelo Jr. — Chief Executive Officer, Applied Knowledge Management Systems, LLC
  • Steve Barth — Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California, Reflected Knowledge Consulting
  • Martin Baumgartel — Head of Site Search, Shopify
  • Holly C. Baxter — Chief Scientist & CEO, Strategic Knowledge Solutions, Cognitive Performance Group
  • Bryan Bell — Regional Vice President of Sales, Lucidworks
  • Marc Berman — Head of Search, Onix
  • Sarah Ann Berndt — KM & Social Learning Program Manager, Knowledge Management & Social Learning, TechnipFMC
  • Filip Callewaert — Head Information and Knowledge Management, Port of Antwerp Authority
  • Michael Cizmar — President & Managing Director, MC+A
  • Dave Clarke — EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Squirro
  • Jim Clarke — Knowledge Management Specialist, Global Technology, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
  • Ed Dale — Emerging Technology Associate Director, EY Knowledge, EY
  • Mark David — Senior Architect, Data Scientist, Accenture Analytics
  • Jeff Fried — Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation, InterSystems
  • Stan Garfield — Author of five KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community
  • Shellie Glass — Chief Knowledge Officer, United States Southern Command, Member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff KM Working Group
  • Daren Glenister — Field CTO, Intralinks - a Synchronoss company
  • Kim Glover — Director, Internal Communications, TechnipFMC
  • Nara Govindarajan — Managing Engineer, Functional and Industry Analytics, Accenture Analytics
  • Christian Gross — Search Manager, Raytion GmbH
  • Susan S. Hanley — President, Susan Hanley LLC, Intranet Consultant, Microsoft MVP
  • Will Hayes — CEO, Lucidworks
  • Joseph Hilger — COO, Enterprise Knowledge
  • Jeanne Holm — Senior Technology Advisor to the Mayor, Deputy CIO at City of Los Angeles, Information Technology Agency, City of Los Angeles, UCLA, Open Data Collaboratives, International Academy of Astronautics
  • Grant Ingersoll — CTO, Lucidworks
  • Will Johnson — CTO and Co-Founder, Attivio
  • Miles Kehoe — Founder & President, New Idea Engineering
  • Steve Kelley — Consultant, New Idea Engineering
  • Kamran Khan — Managing Director, Accenture
  • Sebastian Klatt — Senior Consultant, Raytion GmbH
  • Patrick Lambe — Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge, Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
  • Joe Lichtman — VP of Technology, Attivio
  • Bryan McKay — Engagement Manager, Onix
  • Steve Mealy — Creative Director, Public Sector, IBM Interactive Experience (IBMiX)
  • Agnes Molnar — Managing Consultant, Search Explained
  • Naomi Moneypenny — Director, Product Development, Microsoft Viva, Microsoft
  • Stephen Morgan — Co-founder, Squiz
  • Art Murray — CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc., Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
  • Paul Nelson — Innovation Lead, Accenture
  • Patricia O'Connell — President, Aerten Consulting
  • Scott Parker — Director of Product Marketing, Sinequa
  • Kristina Podnar — Digital Policy Consultant, NativeTrust Consulting LLC
  • Maxime Prades — VP, Product, Algolia
  • Jonathan Ralton — Senior Information Architect, BlueMetal, Insight
  • Avi Rappoport — Senior Search Consultant, Search Tools Consulting
  • Tom Reamy — Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group, Author, Deep Text
  • Vera Rhodes — Senior Managing Consultant, UX, IBM Interactive Experience (IBMiX)
  • James Robertson — Founder, Step Two, Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work
  • Luis Rodriguez
  • Lee Romero — Senior Manager, Global Knowledge Platforms, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Limited
  • Erik Schwartz — Executive Director, Product Management, Comcast Cable
  • John Seely Brown — Director, Palo Alto Research Center, Independent Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge; Visiting Scholar & Advisor to the Provost at University of Southern California; former Chief Scientist, Xerox Corp.
  • Timo Selvaraj — Co-Founder/VP Product Management, SearchBlox Software, Inc.
  • Euan Semple — Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd
  • Theresa A Simek — Discover Search Product Manager, Global Markets - EY Knowledge, EY
  • Adrienne Smith — Taxonomist, Ubisoft
  • Dave Snowden — Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
  • Simon Stenstrom — Findability Consultant, Findwise
  • Tom Stewart — Executive Director, National Center for the Middle Market, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
  • Dean Testa — KM Office Leader; & Author, Organizational Intelligence & Knowledge Analytics, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
  • Diane Tetrault — Senior Director, Product Marketing
  • Nate Treloar — President & COO, Orbita
  • Gordon Vala-Webb — CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.
  • Michael Van Damme — Managing Partner, The Forge
  • Tamara Viles — Knowledge Management Program Manager, TechnipFMC
  • Cathy Warner — Principal Search Product Owner, SAS
  • Brenton West — Senior Solutions Architect, Cryptzone

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