The Call for Speakers is Now Closed

Bringing Our Search and Discovery Superpowers to Work

Unlocking the knowledge found within organizations depends upon search. Discovering needed information across data silos in a timely manner depends upon search. Improving productivity through reliable information access depends upon search. Thus, enterprises depend upon search experts to accelerate the process. In today’s world, the promise of enterprise search to deliver relevant results are greatly enhanced by AI-based technologies. Developments in GenAI, machine learning, semantic layers, knowledge graphs, query understanding, data security, personalization, NLP, and others contribute to enhanced employee and customer satisfaction. Search superpowers make dreams turn into reality.

If you are involved in enterprise search and discovery, you can contribute to your colleagues’ knowledge and understanding of today’s search world by sharing your stories at Enterprise Search & Discovery 2024.

At the Enterprise Search & Discovery conference, we want to explore how you're managing the rapidly changing landscape of search and discovery. As enterprise search is being redefined from simple information retrieval to knowledge understanding and creation, user expectations change dramatically. Has AI helped solve the age-old question of search relevance? Have user attitudes toward enterprise search become more positive? What have you done that worked, what changes have you made, what technologies have you adopted, what content has become intelligently searchable, and how have you adjusted to changing work environments? How are you managing new expectations regarding collaboration, accessibility, bias, and diversity? How is enterprise search in your organizations delivering impactful insights? How are you implementing (or re-implementing) search and discovery?

We seek dynamic speakers who can discuss the technical aspects of enterprise search and discovery as well as the business implications of successful deployments. We are also looking for speakers to present half-day workshops on topics related to enterprise search and discovery.

Share Your Knowledge

The audience at Enterprise Search & Discovery is well-informed and tech-savvy. We're looking for speakers who can “wow” this audience with their insights into designing enterprise search and discovery so that it empowers business operations, enhances user experience, and allows workplace innovation to occur. We would like a mix of formal presentations and interactive panel participation. Case studies of search (both internal and customer-facing), social networks, ecommerce, or any combination thereof are particularly welcome. Feel free to suggest something different from the normal conference presentation.

Possible topics (but don't let this limit your imagination!):

  • Search and discovery technologies
  • Vector search
  • Data analysis
  • Spoken search
  • Predictive analytics
  • Visual search
  • Social enterprise search
  • Graph technology
  • Enterprise apps
  • GPTs and LLMs
  • RAG
  • Technology disruption
  • SharePoint search
  • Impact of the cloud
  • Business intelligence
  • Data and information governance
  • Extracting value from existing data
  • Enhancing user experience
  • Generative AI
  • Collaboration
  • Search as conversation
  • Establishing context
  • Neural networks
  • Intelligent content
  • Disruptive enterprise technologies
  • Internal search optimization
  • Managing migrations
  • Dealing with digital transformation
  • Upgrading technologies
  • Search algorithms
  • Success stories
  • Impact of AI on search
  • Hybrid architectures
  • Search quality
  • Site search
  • Business justification
  • Models for relevance ranking
  • Insight engines
  • Security and access control
  • Content analytics
  • Semantic search
  • Machine learning
  • Maintaining and searching repositories
  • Managing user expectations
  • Meaning extraction
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Analyzing log files
  • Search and discovery implementations in your enterprise

How to Submit a Proposal

To participate in Enterprise Search & Discovery 2024 as a possible speaker, or to suggest a speaker, please post your submission no later than May 26, 2024.

Submissions must include a proposed title and description of the session, speakers’ and co-presenters’ names and full contact information, and a few sentences of biographical information that relates the speaker to the topic. All submissions will be reviewed and notification regarding acceptance will be made by July.

We will review submissions as they arrive, so don't delay in submitting your ideas! If you are a search/discovery vendor, please contact us about sponsor presentations and other sponsorship opportunities, or please pass this along to one of your customers to encourage them to present their case study using your products.

Conference Organizer

Enterprise Search & Discovery is organized and produced by Information Today, Inc., a diversified digital media and print publisher and conference and events organizer and producer. Our mission is to deliver world-class content in a variety of formats and serve our audiences with the information they need to make informed and critical decisions for their organizations.

Conference Program Director

Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld

Marydee Ojala is Editor-in-Chief of KMWorld. She also edits Online Searcher and the ILI365 eNews newsletter. A long-time observer of the information industry, she speaks frequently at national and international conferences. She plans conference programs for WebSearch University presents Searcher Academy, Enterprise Search & Discovery, Data Summit, AI & Machine Learning Summit, and Internet Librarian International. Her professional career began at BankAmerica Corporation, San Francisco, directing a worldwide program of research and information services. Her undergraduate degree is from Brown University and her MLS was earned at the University of Pittsburgh.

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