MAY 21-22, 2013
New York, NY
New York Hilton Midtown
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast in the Enterprise Search Showcase
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
KEYNOTE: Enterprise Search: How Do We Get There From Here?
Daniel Tunkelang, Head of Query Understanding, LinkedIn

We've been tackling the challenges of enterprise and site search for at least 3 decades. We've succeeded to the point that search is the gateway to many of our information repositories. Nonetheless, users of enterprise search systems are frustrated with these systems' shortcomings. We see this frustration in surveys, but, more importantly, most of us experience it personally in our daily work life. We all dream of a world where searching any information repository is as effective as searching the web—perhaps even more so. A world where we find what we're looking for, or quickly determine that it doesn't exist. Is this Utopia possible? If so, how do we get there from here? Or at least somewhere close? In this talk, Tunkelang reviews the track record of enterprise search. He talks about what's worked and what hasn't, especially as compared to web search. Finally, he proposes some paths to bring us closer to our dream.

9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Survey Results: Report on Enterprise Search Adoption Survey
Helge Legernes, Co-founder, Findwise

In this, the second year of Findwise’s survey about the issues surrounding enterprise search, we begin to see emerging trends affecting all involved with deciding about technologies and implementing search solutions. Helge Legernes, the CTO of Findwise, presents the most recent findings, both from U.S. respondents and globally. He compares them with last year’s to track the longitudinal evolution of search. It should be an interesting introduction to themes that are then expanded upon in the ensuing conference presentations.

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Search Trends 2013: What Comes Next?
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering

As we review Findwise’s survey results and Tunkelang’s remarks on the future, Sue Feldman raises our awareness of the trends, technology, and market demands that are converging this year. We are moving from a technology-centric to a use-centric view of how computers fit into our lives. She highlights five trends from her book, The Answer Machine, to spark further discussion.

10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
A101: Market Insight—Creating Search - Based Enterprise Applications

Search no longer stands alone. Enterprise search now means the creation and support of a new breed of enterprise applications that add value and save money. Adopting search from such a platform approach ensures that traditionally siloed information repositories can be seamlessly integrated and more intelligently and accurately processed.

Re-Imagining Search-Based Applications
Jerome Levadoux, Senior Vice President, HP Autonomy

Learn how you can go beyond specific, departmental problems and solve challenging issues that cross channels and organizational silos by adopting a platform approach to building search-based applications.

Search as the Foundation for Enterprise Apps
Martin Tuip, Product Marketing Manager, Recommind

Search is no longer just the end solution for enterprises these days. Over the past decade the advancements of information processing allow for a new breed of applications to become available to organizations. Instead of stitching together separate solutions, a platform approach allows for traditionally siloed information repositories to be more intelligently and accurately processed.

B101: Text and Data Analytics
Bob Foyle, Senior Product Manager, IBM Corporation
Arvind Srinivasan, CTO, Co-Founder, ZL Technologies

Text and data analytics can be crucial in ascertaining how well search is doing within an organization and how it can be improved. IBM is expanding and evolving traditional enterprise search with the concepts of text analytics and natural language processing (NLP) to deliver powerful, secure, search capabilities to its customers. Another important area is Big Data Analytics. Kon Leong walks us through the merging of Big Data Analytics and advanced search, especially with unstructured data such as email and files. He provides cutting-edge approaches to help you scale up to huge data volumes.

12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
A102: Building a Foundation for Info Apps
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group
Laritza Saenz, Research & Development/Scientist Engineer-Computer Science, Sandia National Laboratories

Reamy contends that to build really sophisticated info apps, you need to add a semantic element. Since building a semantic platform is complex, consider the relevant technologies, metadata, and auto-categorization. A framework developed at Sandia National Laboratories, called Applications that Listen (ATL), adds an awareness layer with logic that mitigates expert answers from a variety of systems that know the best answer to a query.

B102: Market Insight—Benefiting From Open Source
Eric Pugh, Co-Founder, OpenSource Connections
Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK

Many new options have emerged from the open source development community. The trick is to choose the solution that works best for your organization. It’s an entirely different model of software implementation and maintenance than most IT organizations are accustomed to. Organizations have many concerns regarding security, reliability, scale, and costs. This session addresses all those challenges through expert advice and real-life customer experiences.

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Attendee Lunch in the Enterprise Search Showcase
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A103: Freeing Knowledge From Silos
Christine Connors, Chief Ontologist, Knowledgent
Carol Corneby, ECM, Collaboration, Knowledge Management Solution Architect, AARP
Armin Kittel, Director, Solution Architecture, AARP

Critical components in search platforms are often relegated to silos. Connecting discrete elements such as best bets, synonym rings, and user profile data help connect these silos to improve the quality of search results. In other instances, content creation occurs in collaboration with external partners. By providing ease of data flow and classification to enterprise content repositories, search can bridge the gap between ad hoc work processes and rigid systems. Cloud content storage plays a significant role in finding interrelated content.

B103: Beginning of the End of the Knowledge Economy
Perry Kinkaide, Founder & Past-President, Alberta Council of Technologies
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering

Is instant access, the availability of big datasets, and ever-improving tools of analysis, signaling the beginning of the end of the knowledge economy? How disruptive is this, and how fast might it occur? Kinkaide discusses what analytics means for management, government, industries, and professions. Will knowing become automated, apps displace professional decision-making, and data science predominate? Kehoe amplifies Kinkaide’s remarks based on his experiences with many different types of companies. Both think emerging technologies can change the very foundations of enterprise search.

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
A104: Market Insight—Pervasive Search with Mobile, Cloud, SharePoint and Beyond

The mobile, distributed, global, 24/7 enterprise has led to huge challenges for information managers. Matters ranging all the way from device user interfaces to corporate governance come into play. And enterprise search is uniquely positioned to address those challenges. This session discusses the many aspects involved in dealing with providing an effective search experience in today’s distributed business environment.

Tackling Message Search and Supervision for Highly Regulated Firms
Sam Kolbert-Hyle, Vice President, Business Development & Strategic Initiatives, Smarsh Inc.

As content types and devices proliferate, enterprise search is critical to delivering robust cloudbased e-discovery, compliance and supervision tools, and is expanding possibilities with predictive risk identification and mitigation.

B104: Improving Search Experience and Proving Value
Theresa A Simek, Discover Search Product Manager, Global Markets - EY Knowledge, EY
Ben Johnson, Senior Manager, Knowledge Management Platforms, Deloitte Services LP

Two case studies explore the practical aspects of improving the search experience and demonstrating the incremental value of search. At Ernst & Young, the importance of search log analysis for improving the search experience is well-recognized. Simek reveals some findings from E&Y logs and shares a Quick Reference Guide for best practices for query reviews. Johnson reflects on the challenges presented when organizations have mature and long-standing search implementations. How to demonstrate incremental value in the face of rapidly changing consumer search expectations is one.

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: Searching Video
Satish Gannu, Senior Director Engineering, Cisco Systems
Ananth Sankar, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems
Vaidhi Nathan, President, Intellivision/Visual Search

Video has had a significant impact both in the consumer world and within the enterprise. These two presentations discuss what types of video are appearing in an enterprise context and the search challenges they present. Users want to be able to navigate to video content relevant to them. The latest advances in technology, the role of speech, searching by color and shapes, and dealing with massive scalability are addressed.

B105: Moving Forward
Kenn North, Senior Product Manager - Search, National Instruments
Daniel Webster, SharePoint Enterprise Search Architect, Summit 7 Systems, Inc.

This panel discussion considers what happens when you move from one established search endeavor to another. Kenn North shares National Instruments’ experience migrating from FAST to its own search, RESTful Service, while Daniel Webster comments on merging SharePoint and FAST search technology to achieve increased flexibility. Damon Regan explains some challenges involved with the search and retrieval of learning content in the Department of Defense. Then the discussion is opened up to tap the wisdom in the room.

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception in the Enterprise Search Showcase


Daniel Tunkelang, LinkedIn